Bridge .. to nowhere?

It's like in that old joke ..
Where does this bridge go?
It doesn't go anywhere, you have to go on it!

ha ha

A bridge on I-75, somewhere North of Cincinnati, OH


చైతన్య said...

that's cool... lighting flat గా ఉన్నట్టుంది?

కొత్త పాళీ said...

@చైతన్య .. I don't know what you mean by flat lighting. It was an overcast day. Also, we were driving at around 70 mph - that might have affected the light quality also.

చైతన్య said...

I mean... I usually like the photos with shading kind of lighting... (which is usually preferred for portraits)
like say... if the source of light is on the right side... we see every thing dark on the left...

so usually i try to match every pic with that kind of lighting view...

in this picture the source of lighting couldn't be found... the scene has same lighting all over...

i understand now its an overcast day...

Its a very good pic at that speed of driving!

Keep posting